In the name of loneliness (what a wonderful human You are)

When the pandemic broke out, there were so many who were completely alone. They may have been alone before, too, but now it became so definite, when all of a sudden you would not have physical contact with other people. I thought a lot about what it could mean. Just to greet and feel someone else's warmth through a handshake or the heat that´s coming from the person you are sitting next to on the bus. To feel the scent or exhalation of another induvidual. There must be a huge loss after something we have taken for granted. A longing for people being in one's vicinity. Our filter-free daughter gave me a heartfelt hug that only she can give and so she put it into words. -What a wonderful human you are!

It was not about me being her mother but that I was a human being and she enjoyed feeling the human contact you get from just the warmth and weight that another body can radiate. Her dad says that getting a hug from her is like refueling, she is simply giving You freshly charged batteries .

Today we are basically back to normal with handshakes and hugs, but experience makes the thought still chafe. In fact, many people are always alone anyway. People who do not have friends or close relatives. People who are not allowed to join and be included.

To be allowed to have someone close to you who actually sees and hears you and is interested in how you feel and want to hear your thoughts is not self-evident. Not without a pandemic either. When being aloen is not self-chosen, it is bottomless, but still I feel that today you can sit next to someone else and feel presence and warmth even though you are actually alone.


Sleep tight!


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